I am so excited about this Joanna Sheen giveaway, not only is she giving us 2 great gifts but she is going to sign them for us as well πŸ™‚

Anyway you in order to enter you need:


You have til the midnight GMT 8th May  2014 to enter – Good Luck!

signature aqua

Amanda Evans

29 Comments on Joanna Sheen Giveaway !

  1. I saw this giveaway yesterday (briefly) then it disappeared! I was so excited, then defeated! πŸ˜‰
    So happy its here today. This one is easy, I already follow both of you!
    Good luck everyone!

    • Yes because you spotted the ‘deliberate’ uh hum! mistake of when the wrong post went up for about a second lol! good luck πŸ™‚

  2. Wow….would love to win this, Joanna is one of my favourite craft artists, just love watching her demos on a certain craft channel!! Good luck everyone x

    • I know I actually got her directly and she has agreed to sign them too. Thought I would take advantage of her having hold of her directly and ask for even more lol! But I figured that these people are a pop stars so a signature is a fab thing to us. I think you might agree with that πŸ™‚

  3. yay… would love to see this… i have never had a cd for crafting from anyone… this would be great

    • well you couldn’t start from a better place than with a Joanna Sheen cd – they are fab-u-lous πŸ™‚

  4. You got me hooked on Joanna Sheen as well…lol Started my addiction with the House Mouse stamps and CD ROMs…she has so many lovely things. TFS!

    • you know that there was a house mouse insert cd rom as well – so cute. Sorry about giving you another addiction lol!

  5. Wow there are so many giveaways. Many thanks and congratulations on what you are doing.
    I have followed you for years.

    • I haven’t seen you leave comments before have i? Oh but of course your youtube name is prob different. Thank you for your support it is because of you guys that I can launch my business to something even more – although it feels more like fun than business, well the craft part anyway, so much work on the web still to do but didn’t want to delay launch. I got behind due to a serious family illness but I had been working on this a while now and didn’t want to delay it esp as i had managed to get some really good give-away gifts for you all. BTW watch tomorrow last day of the give-aways and then the real work starts lol! Thanks again πŸ™‚

    • Thank you and me too – I have so many house mouse stamps and now it comes digital too – wish I could win lol!

  6. I looked around her website and FB page, so much goodness, thank you and thanks to Joanna

    • I know it is amazing what she has, now the prize here is for a cd rom (well 2 but i am doing that as two giveaways) so best have in mind what you might like just in case, and then if not she ships international anyway so you still ok πŸ™‚

  7. What a great giveaway! Love the all occasion dies on your fb page! Cool camper πŸ™‚

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